Tuesday, December 30, 2008

christmas miracle!!

i taught myself how to knit! (santa brought me a sock-monkey-makin kit)
i could crochet already, but i've always wanted to learn how to knit. i have tried and tried to learn but it took a kit meant for 8-year-olds for it to finally click.
so here he is!!

sock monkey!!!

he has a bird's eye view!

and a worms-eye!

he has a butt, too!!

and also a face!!!

here he is at rest

i also made him a tiny hat

in other news, i had my wisdom teeths taken out yesterday. dragsville.

look how puffsy!! don't laugh

Saturday, December 20, 2008

ar rar raaar

what i have so far with the cassander piece:

its kind of wobblyyyy!! and backwards (thanks photobooth). i like it. i'll get a better picture up here once i'm done (i hope). i'm using the chain stitch! first time ever (casa taught me). totally fun and looks real purt.

"its an arrum to be sure, yer honour!"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

it makes my heart hurt

oh man. oh kt. oh geeze.

peaceful warrior in training

this is a preliminary drawering of my good friend casa which i am embroidering on a stretched canvas. ima do the contour outline of her body in purple and her shirt and hair in an indigo. i think her glasses (which are baller, basically) are going to be this bright blue, which she likes more than me but then again this is a drawing of cassandra and not maggie.
i drew this in the art lab while she was working on her final fibers project. her last fibers project for her last fibers class ever!! (alas!) she's at the sewing machine, but i decided to leave out the machine and the piece she was working on. she says it reminds her of her dance moves. i think so, too. in a way, she is dancing. when she is sewing and making art, she doesn't have to think about what she is doing; she just experiences the moment in the present. thats what i like about this drawing because it really is all about her. the project she is working on and the action of her working on it are, in essence, cassandra, so leaving out the tools made sense. everything else is inconsequential.
that's just what i think, anyway.
plus im super-stoked about making something that intimidates me, and this project definitely has the potential to become really overwhelming. we'll see. i have the tendency to quit challenging projects and blame it on laziness.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

cranes shmanes

i messed up and drew a couple steps upside down but i also drew a flippy arrow for you so you don't get lost.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

still lifes

this one reminds me of roald dahl a little bit. the left hand does at least.

my shelf

laura's shelf

technically the first one wasn't a still life since my hands were still moving when i was drawing it. can you deal with that?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

lo-rez doodoo dont look

hey. i wanted to post some more drawings but i also did not want to waste two hours of my life scanning them. (sorry laura.)
i think they're tolerable.