Monday, December 12, 2011
i know this is incredibly dorky
mmm...i chomped that
this is the best thing to eat when youre feeling sick and a little sad. black bean soup from a can with a shitload of cheese and greek yogurt on it. and srirachaaaaa. and onions and like 5 cloves of garlic because im sick and its good for you and i dont foresee any smooching in my immediate future anyway. spicy, and garlicy, and perfect for me to CHOMP.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
made a quilt
in retrospect, i should have: measured properly, pressed before i measured, pressed as i went along, BASTED (what a goddamn chore. but essential, really), not put that black/yellow/white daisy fabric in there, bought every last yard of that fabric i used as the backing because it is so beautiful, and more batting. it could be cuddlier but i'm not complaining. also a chevron or a ziggyzag over the squares to hide all the puckering. i give this quilt a 6 out of 10, strictly because the patterns are so cool together. it is pretty fuckin sloppy though. but i made it yaaaaaay!!! first quilt ever. in the process of drawing a step-by-step comic for it. <3's
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
i made these napkins for my friend josh who just got married. josh, if you're reading this, stop. josh, you probably don't read my blog, so i feel ok about posting pictures of these. i am SUUUUUPER proud. i've never sewn anything by myself before, so when my friend sabrina gave me the pattern and taught me how to make them, i was really amazed at my own enthusiasm. i made 8 of these bad boys, two of each kind of the four different fabrics i chose. josh is pretty crafty, and he likes being in the kitchen. although i haven't met his wife sarah yet, i can just bet she's probably a crafty, cooky kind of lady, too. the colors are nice and summery and farmhousey. I'M REALLY PROUD OF THESE IS BASICALLY WHAT I'M TRYING TO GET ACROSS HERE. i really hope they like them. i wanted to give them something they can use that didn't come in a box. it made me so happy to make something for my sweet friends, especially when the something i made is something that i'm proud of. which doesn't happen too often.
next project: banana bandanas for the baltards. i <3 baltards so hard
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
i dreamed i had two or three sisters; one was possessed by an evil spirit but no one knew about it except me or maybe i was outside of the story. we were getting on ski lifts and i didnt want to go because i dont know how to ski but i saw that they were going to be in danger so i got on the chair after them and started skiing. it was terrifying but of course as often in dreams it was easy to ski and i felt weightless. i was skiing very fast over hills and eventually through a snowy brushland, avoiding trees and such. i had the feeling there was someone skiing closely behind me because i could hear them, but i never turned around to look. it seemed unimportant. i was following ski tracks of what i thought to be my sisters' but there were many paths i could have taken i dont know why i chose the ones i was following. my movements and the path i took seemed to be compelled and i did not fight that; i just went along. i came upon a clearing with three trees that had holes large enough for me to ski through. i noticed there were ski tracks going through all three holes, but i was coming up fast and that compelling force took me through the middle hole. i entered and saw nothing but blackness. it was too dark to see even my body but i felt like i was soaring down a long drop through space so i positioned my body as if i were doing a ski jump. when i came out of the blackness i was in a building full of doors and passageways. there was a travel agency though one of the doors and it turns out it was a fairy travel agency because i went through the hole that takes you to ireland. ??? i was signed up to take some dude to georgia even though i insisted i wasnt a fairy and could not fly. but they sent me along anyway and said of course you can fly or else how could you have found this place? eventually i either found or did not find the girls who were my sisters but we are being chased by bounty hunters. there were several of them and they were all very ugly and alienlike. they were wearing armor and looked like just men in monster suits. they all came in pairs or twins and they were slow moving and easily defeated. we were running from them through the halls and all the doors are locked except we see an old man returning to his room and we go in after them. some little kids are having a slumber party and all start screaming but we tell them to shut up. we turn off the lights and the bigscreen tv and wait for the monsters to go by. i notice the kids are watching the scene from the disney animated peter pan movie where the lost boys and john and michael are singing "following the leader". the door will not lock and one of the little girls starts talking and making noise so the monsters are at the door and know we are here. i want to slap the girl for making noise and i keep telling her to shut up but she ignores me. at this point i wake up, realize i'm having sleep paralysis, and it is the most intense and terrifying episode of it i have ever experienced.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
cant top wont top
i havent been doing very much artwise lately. i think it's because i've only been drawing pictures of gene shalit. i also have this weird paranoia-driven fantasy/nightmare that the gene shalit genre is going to blow up in "popular" or "hipster" culture or whatever, and urban outfitters is going to make gene shalit tshirts and PVC wallets or some shit. or gene shalit wine glasses or something i dont fucking know. YOU GUYS, I AM LITERALLY TERRIFIED OF THIS. i have a lot more gene shalit in me and i'm not done developing this yet. just. just bear with me. dont tell anyone about it. nobody knows who he is but everyone recognizes him when they see him. the idea of gene shalit is somehow very appealing to me. he puns a lot or something i dont know. enjoy these pictures of geneshalit on crossword puzzle book pages for crying out loud. i cant not draw him so you cant not look at my drawings of him on my blog.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
i'm completely debilitated by fear and my computer is broken :(
you guys i am trying to go to art school and i am terrified of it. i'm terrified of what you think of that idea. i'm terrified of a portfolio. i'm terrified of scary art school committees that are going to look at the portfolio. i'm terrified of making anything because whatever i make is TERRIBLE NOW. I DONT KNOW WHAT WENT WRONG OR IF ANY OF IT WAS EVER RIGHT. i'm in a horrible awful state of mind
this is where you come in. please help me. for the love of god. please. i need some...............ASSIGNMENTS? EMOTIONAL SUPPORT??? TECHNICAL ADVICE?!?!?!? all of the above. i love you all. tell me what to make. i'll just make it. i'm frozen by my fear and unable to perform. (maybe some viagra...??)
this is where you come in. please help me. for the love of god. please. i need some...............ASSIGNMENTS? EMOTIONAL SUPPORT??? TECHNICAL ADVICE?!?!?!? all of the above. i love you all. tell me what to make. i'll just make it. i'm frozen by my fear and unable to perform. (maybe some viagra...??)
Monday, February 14, 2011
new hat yaaaaay!
[oh btw friends: if any of you guys ever want me to knit you a hat i will totally do it. nice yarn is kind of expensive, but i also like to trade things.]
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
etsyyyyyyyyyyyyy shop
hey y'all
i finally got my etsy shop going! go check it out: HERE
oh yeah. hey guys i have been making a lot of hats and pining for an etsy shop for a long time so i opened one and now i'm happy.
i finally got my etsy shop going! go check it out: HERE
oh yeah. hey guys i have been making a lot of hats and pining for an etsy shop for a long time so i opened one and now i'm happy.
Monday, January 17, 2011
i have a best friend
she's pretty awesome. we make cool stuff when we're together
We <3 GLITTERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
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