Monday, December 12, 2011

i know this is incredibly dorky

...but i was totally blown away today by the christmas exhibit at the botanical garden!! all of the monuments and famous buildings in dc were recreated in miniature, except with all natural materials, including the adhesive used to put it all together. DANG. that is so rad. the fountain ladies were my favorite. there were also a million fairy houses and abby was practically drooling about it.

mmm...i chomped that

this is the best thing to eat when youre feeling sick and a little sad. black bean soup from a can with a shitload of cheese and greek yogurt on it. and srirachaaaaa. and onions and like 5 cloves of garlic because im sick and its good for you and i dont foresee any smooching in my immediate future anyway. spicy, and garlicy, and perfect for me to CHOMP.


i drew this at 3 in the morning the other night. since then things are a little better. me and my bud are fine. the last part remains unresolved however. meh. i'm pretty much over it.