Wednesday, October 3, 2012

vinyl coverz

omggggg!!! my drawing is on a record. that rules. i think all three of the covers go really well together. thank you thank you nervous ticks. i <3 all="all" p="p" y="y">

Sunday, September 2, 2012

aw man

yo fuck this blog. all my hits are from russian porn sites. meh. here for your pleasure, wink, are some journal drawings. i like this grid format. i also finally figured out how to google "how do you un-mirror photobooth images." i don't really care about the quality of these images. i'll scan them in later at the 'aiight library'

Saturday, August 25, 2012

more album cover stuff

so my buds are getting a couple songs pressed on a fancy, one-sided seven inch in ITALY WHUUUUT??? so awesome. i'm not really sure if i'm allowed to reveal the label or details etc...i don't think it matters probably. no one looks at this shit anyway. tumblr is really a better audience for art/freelancing nowadays but i kinda like posting on blogspot still maybe because its like a diary that i'm not worried about anyone looking at/judging, yet still on a public forum. INTERNET: INSTANT PERMIFICATION. plus i don't wanna jinx it??? but anyway here are the notes from our brainstorming meeting about the cover design. it was a silly meeting and they made me a really yummy vegan dinner which was super nice. and their dogs are suuuuuuper cute and barked the entire time. i love them so much they are seriously some of the best people i have ever encountered. i stole the "BOTTOM LINE" tactic from Tao Lin's seventy-minute interview with Brian Sweet because that's silly:

(ok give me three words that you would use to describe your ideal album cover go)

chaz: 1. Gnarly 2. Occult 3. Slime
BOTTOM LINE: Comic-Booky Evil Swamp

liza: 1. Bugs 2. Possessed Serpents 3. Serpents w/ a Plan
BOTTOM LINE: Cute,  but Evil... Spooky but like Scooby-Doo. BOTTOM-BOTTOM LINE: EVIL SCOOBY

*Quetzalcoatl shooting snakes out of his mouth/head
-THE GOD - thunderbird, but evil
-less melty, more lightening
-simple, yet detailed
-illustrative or graphic style

jungle, aztec, american south, kudzu

*60s, 70s Italian Western + Campy horror movie set in Mexico
*Look at DEATH DEALS, Cafe Con Leche, Ines Estrada
*traditional Mesoamerican and/or Aztec style

ziggaurat or pyramid. centipedes coming out of top. other bugs.

**include band name in some way


that's all of the notes. oh man. this is going to rule. i hope i can pull it off. challenge willingly accepted, albeit nervously. there are lots of things to consider. they also gave me a Killed By Death punk music compilation for cover art/musical inspiration. excellent. OH they also gave me a thrift store shirt with aztec-style drawings of animals. they were prepared. i like that they know exactly what they want. it makes it extremely easy to deliver.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

ah yeah. gettin changed ya'll.

i ran into a couple old lancaster/philly acquaintances the other day at the coffee shop where i work. there were also a couple other philly people in town that same night but i ended up not going to their show unfortunately (i'm a dumbass). it was such an odd coincidence that i haven't been able to shake this feeling of unease about the whole thing. i can't really put my finger on why it was all so unsettling to me, but i think i kinda know. haven't been up that way in a good little while and haven't really reached out to anyone that i knew from back then. made me think about burning bridges and how much that sucks for everyone involved. i don't like doing that to people. i got kinda good at it but the negative aspects of it have been catching up to me recently; moving to a new town and being so focused on myself has been really good for me in a lot of ways. however, so much introspection has had me facing up to a lot of feelings i set aside for the sake of my own heart/head. i'm kinda glad these things have been catching up to me because i really need to face them and think about them...move past a lot of it. i've had plenty of time to ponder about what i really need/want, and the way that i treat people and how i treat myself. i wish i had had this head on my shoulders back then because i think i could have avoided a lot of mistakes, but in a way i'm super glad i didn't! because i learned a lot and i've grown a lot since then. i don't think i'd be the same person that i am now. don't get me wrong...i almost let some shit break me. i think i lost a lot of my sense of "people are basically good". i'm warier now; it's harder to let people in. i feel closed off a lot of the time, and i have zero patience for bullshit friendships or relationships with people that don't actually care about me. i'm super awesome, and i know it. i think the fact that i know that makes me less approachable. i'm pretty insecure about a lot of shit but what makes me smarter than i used to be is now i know that EVERYONE is insecure. i guess the point i'm getting at is that, out of all the coffee shops/breakfast spots in richmond these philly dudes couldve gone to that day, they chose the shop where i work in outoftheway churchill. and i happened to be running upstairs during my baking shift to grab eggs and butter right as they were coming in. otherwise, we would have missed each other entirely. its hokey, i know, but that is some fucking strange shit that made me think really hard about how tiny our planet is, and how i can't think i can avoid someone forever. and when i finally see this person again, i can't be afraid to say, "hello, it's so good to see you," without throwing up all over myself.
i wish my scanner worked. i guess i could go to the fine arts building but my key card isn't activated yet plus i don't really feel like i belong in there. hopefully that will change. i'm pretty stoked on how the cassette cover turned out, but i know i can do better. can't wait to see what i can start churning out. can't wait to be done being afraid to make anything.

death to videodrome

great lil review of the 'ticks here

nervous ticks cassette

Friday, July 13, 2012


some inspirational links i was sent for a cover art commission. oh god.

also this. i'm actually pretty stoked to work on it. this kinda stuff isn't my style so it should be challenging. plus the guys and doll in the band are really silly and fun so i'm excited to get started. i'll try to post my progress but as of right now my scanner software is giving me its middle finger.
OH!! i don't even know if i still have an audience on this blog or what, but as for updates... i got into VCU! also i moved to richmond.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


art swap with tumblr bud, cloudfather:

what i sent- crocheted juggling balls with a sack to put them in also crocheted also that sentence was awkward
 one of those hats i made for my etsy a while back. this yarn was fancy and expensive btw, and extremely soft and completely covered in cat hairs hope he doesnt hate that

what i got. kyle's style is super sick and i kind of hate him a little.

thanks, kyle. you rule. you bumped my tshirt collection up a notch. BAM

Thursday, March 29, 2012

portfolio. oh geeze.

i hope they don't hate this. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


acrylic on canvas

"boneyard shawl" by stephen west

or, "i can knit a lot better than paint" by maggie yokley
acrylic, knit swatch stamped on canvas. this scan looks pretty terrible, the original painting is square. also i used this super bright day-glo poster acrylic that doesnt really show up here. OH WELL

lol, y'all

acrylic, ink, gesso on wood

gross girl, that's me

acrylic, ink on canvas

my hand is unsteady here

pen&ink, charcoal, gesso, fabric, vintage embroidery hoop

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

preview: she said, she said

hello. hey. some buds and i are putting together an art show in the dc/nova area, and boy are we excited!!
the show is scheduled for the first weekend in march, at a space still tba although it'll most likely be at label's exchange , (not to be confused with label sex change), and the adjoining gallery. please let me assure you that it is going to be pretty sssssssiiiiiick. there's gonna be around 10 artists in the show...."she said, she said" is the name of it. oh and did i mention that it is a lady art show?? ah yeah girl(s). here's some links to some of the other ladies' websites, and also a couple shitty photos of paintings i've been working on for the show. i hope you guys come back!

"she said, she said" lineup so far:
casa, angel, doris, brenna, emma, leticia, kelly, julie, laura, maggie. i'm annoyed that neither laura nor leticia have art on the Net but WHAT CAN YA DO. you can check out these other sites if you want, thats whut. i also feel like a total dbag because cassandra and i started a co-operative blog but i have only posted it on it a handful of times since we started it last year. what. an asshole. ANYWAY. keeping my fingers crossed for the show. hopefully we can get all the details figured out pretty soon, but so far i am super pumped that all my buds were into it. all of us do such different stuff, it is going to be so cool seeing everything in the same place. aaaauguagsdfasldkj im so pumped. OK SO here's a peek at some of my arts that will be in the show! hope you dont hate it?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

shrinky dinks duuuuhhh

i recently realized that my true artistic medium is the shrinky dink. after baking at 350 degrees for 2 minutes, shitty drawings become weird-as-shit keychains to give to my buds. <3
one part of a christmas card series i was working on since halloween. i never got around to making them into actual cards, though. :( sigh. theres always next year i guess.