Wednesday, March 13, 2013

things i said to some IMPORTANT PEOPLE to let me do IMPORTANT THINGS for them.

I think that, ideally, every adult person should try to strive for a kind of worldliness. Or awareness...but artists in particular have the desire to share ideas to the world through self-expression. Such a level of openness shouldn't collide with ignorance or intolerance.
Also, because it is their job to create profound meaning in mundane material, artists have the responsibility to be utterly honest...unless through dishonesty truth can be determined more readily.
Most importantly, an artist must be ready to fail. Failure is necessary for growth. I never want to stop growing or learning ever. Enthusiasm in Experience is the Best Thing.

I am a silly person. I am a happy person. I am doing what I want to be doing. I would like to be less concerned about how people think of me and more concerned about how my actions make others feel. I would like to hone the skills that i have so I can use them in conjunction with new skills I have yet to learn. I would like to take all of the things that i know how to do, and combine them into ONE THING. I would like to break down all the little things I know so that I can know them BETTER. I don't want to know ALL THE THINGS, but only Some of the Things, because then I would run out of things that I still need to know and that'd be awful.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

projection study

lacey leonard
maggie yokley

Friday, March 8, 2013

hey yall i has a tumblr

in case y'all didn't already know, i have a tumblr that i post more frequently on these days. neither of these bolgs i take very seriously, and one day i'd like to have a super rad website for my artwork, but for now plz enjoy rebolgs of internet friends, and comics, and hotdogs, and occasional journal drawings by me. hugs.
<3 p="">chomptime
ps: arts by me can be found under the 'farts' link on my page. or you can search under my url for posts tagged 'arts'. same goes for music stuff under 'chrusti' and 'calez' once i get them running. <3 _="" br="">


bottle holder, cardboard & packing tape

portfolio 3

life drawing (kevin), graphite

portfolio stuff 2

this is what it feels like, ink and watercolor

portfolio stuff

self portrait as alan, acrylic on wood panel