Monday, March 1, 2010

is it in bad taste to copy stuff from etsy? im just gonna do it anyway.

i found this really sweet glasses case on etsy that looks like an old-school nintendo controller, and thought i'd try to make one. here is my version (with much crappier photo resolution and sewing abilities).

i'm pretty happy with it, although i wish i had some velcro for the back.


Summer said...

Oh hey that is a neat thing you made there.

And I'd say it's bad taste to make those and SELL them, however making it for yourself just seems in tune with the whole DIY spirit upon which etsy was founded.

maggie said...

i agree completely. thanks for setting my mind at ease, miss summer. plus i linked to the etsy page where it was being originally sold, with the thought that giving props would cancel out my plagiarism.