Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Andre Jordan

Everyone thinks Possibility Girl is possibly a genius. Any day now, they continually agree, Possibility Girl will make it big. Become a star. 'You won't forget us when you're famous, will you?' they always say, as Possibility Girl begins yet another amazing project.

The only person who doesn't believe in Possibility Girl's possible genius is Possibility Girl herself. She thinks they're being too kind. She isn't gifted at all. She's a fake genius; bluffing her way through life. She is convinced the moment she tries to actually achieve her full potential, she will fail, fall flat on her face, and the people that once admired her from afar will admire her no more. And so Possibility Girl never actually achieves anything. She just sits on the edge of her possible glory and basks in the adulation of her potential.

Friday, January 16, 2009

the journal as art

some things you've seen before, just in higher resolution, plus something new.
(nothing borrowed, nothing blue)

...actually i guess one of them is blue. and i borrowed the white-out from the outing center. huh.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

a birthday post

have you seen these things? i kind of want one. and also these.

but seriously. henley has outdone herself with this one. i laughed a lot. what a silly lady.

here's some things:

oh, and if you were thinking about reading Child of God by Cormac Mccarthy, you should. i did! and i'm scared of being by myself in the dark.


hey! ps! my teeth aren't infected anymore! were they infected? i don't know. they probably weren't. the dentist told me i was "just being a baby" and "here's some stronger vicodin."
go figgur.

Friday, January 2, 2009


i got my wisdom teeth pulled monday and i have dry sockets as a result. dry sockets occur when blood doesn't clot properly in a socket where a tooth has been pulled. it is super painful and my mouth is still swollen and there are bruises on my face. i have a fu-man-chu!! check it out:

kind of awesome.

they smell really REALLY bad. you think i'm kidding, but i'm not. and they taste bad, too. like, you know how poop smells? that's what it smells like and, (what i would assume), it tastes like. ugh. its AWFUL!!
anyway. i'm going to the dentist monday. apparently the dry sockets won't heal for a long time unless the dentist inserts some medicine or salve or SOMEthing in there. but supposedly once he does repack the socket, it feels better in less than an hour. HOORAY!!
i just thought i was addicted to vicodin and my dosage wasn't strong enough.

also ALSO!!
i have been bouncing some ideas around in my brain about doing an auto-biographical comic or graphic journal like James Kochalka. its been a lot more brain-bouncing and a lot less pen-bouncing than i would like, but i am still excited about the idea and the few drawings i have so far.
as far as stories go, i'm totally set: i live in this tiny college town, surrounded by ridiculous people, in an absolutely gorgeous setting. and my life is awesome! my friends are silly, my family is silly...i love my town i love the people i love my school i love what i'm learning i love i love i love...
but!! i'm struggling with confidence in my self as an artist.
i struggle with coming up with character designs on my own; everything i draw i hate or am too critical of. as a result i usually just don't draw anything at all. i guess its a pride thing: i would rather leave a page blank than stand to look at something sucky...even if it doesn't suck. maybe it would suck!! who cares? it would be for me so it wouldn't matter what other people think about it anyway. but that's the point i guess. i just let the characters stay in my head rather than see them manifest themselves on my paper, especially if i can't make them come out the way i want them to.
i do have this really silly drawing i did of my friend amy from this past halloween. she was dressed up as buzz lightyear and it was so perfect. man. i am working on just getting satisfied with my drawings of her at this point, and i can't wait to get the whole thing put together. i need to talk to jess because she is an awesome storyteller and really good at translating spoken words into pictoral interpretations. in the end, i would like the story to be told in pictures only.

i'll try to scan these at a higher rez when i get back to boone but for now here are some photobooth pics of the drawins.


(long story)