Wednesday, April 13, 2011

cant top wont top

i havent been doing very much artwise lately. i think it's because i've only been drawing pictures of gene shalit. i also have this weird paranoia-driven fantasy/nightmare that the gene shalit genre is going to blow up in "popular" or "hipster" culture or whatever, and urban outfitters is going to make gene shalit tshirts and PVC wallets or some shit. or gene shalit wine glasses or something i dont fucking know. YOU GUYS, I AM LITERALLY TERRIFIED OF THIS. i have a lot more gene shalit in me and i'm not done developing this yet. just. just bear with me. dont tell anyone about it. nobody knows who he is but everyone recognizes him when they see him. the idea of gene shalit is somehow very appealing to me. he puns a lot or something i dont know. enjoy these pictures of geneshalit on crossword puzzle book pages for crying out loud. i cant not draw him so you cant not look at my drawings of him on my blog.