Tuesday, June 28, 2011


i made these napkins for my friend josh who just got married. josh, if you're reading this, stop. josh, you probably don't read my blog, so i feel ok about posting pictures of these. i am SUUUUUPER proud. i've never sewn anything by myself before, so when my friend sabrina gave me the pattern and taught me how to make them, i was really amazed at my own enthusiasm. i made 8 of these bad boys, two of each kind of the four different fabrics i chose. josh is pretty crafty, and he likes being in the kitchen. although i haven't met his wife sarah yet, i can just bet she's probably a crafty, cooky kind of lady, too. the colors are nice and summery and farmhousey. I'M REALLY PROUD OF THESE IS BASICALLY WHAT I'M TRYING TO GET ACROSS HERE. i really hope they like them. i wanted to give them something they can use that didn't come in a box. it made me so happy to make something for my sweet friends, especially when the something i made is something that i'm proud of. which doesn't happen too often.
next project: banana bandanas for the baltards. i <3 baltards so hard

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